
Steel carbines with a threaded sleeve are usually used in industrial mountaineering and during rescue operations. Suitable for use as a carbine for the trigger device, the connecting link, for working with blocks. It is convenient if it is necessary to open it several times during the day, as the carbine is very easy to operate, and the screw coupling guarantees high reliability. The coupling opens by pressing it at the connection point, then it can be locked manually under the weight of the device. The use of steel carabiners is recommended with a closed coupling along the axis, under such conditions the carabiner provides the highest strength. An open clutch and a load along the other direction significantly reduces its strength. It is possible to attach one personal protective equipment for one person.


Karabiny stal'nyye s rez'bovoy muftoy obychno ispol'zuyutsya v promyshlennom al'pinizme i pri spasatel'nykh rabotakh. Podkhodyat dlya ispol'zovaniya v kachestve karabina dlya spuskovogo ustroystva, soyedinitel'nogo zvena, dlya raboty s blokami. Udoben, yesli na protyazhenii dnya yego neobkhodimo neskol'ko raz otkryvat', tak kak karabin ochen' prost v ekspluatatsii, a vintovaya mufta garantiruyut vysokuyu nadezhnost'. Otkryvayetsya mufta nazhatiyem na neye v tochke soyedineniya, zatem yeye mozhno zablokirovat' vruchnuyu pod vesom ustroystva. Ispol'zovat' stal'nyye karabiny rekomenduyetsya s zakrytoy muftoy vdol' osi, pri takikh usloviyakh karabin obespechivayet naivysshuyu prochnost'. Otkrytaya mufta i nagruzka vdol' drugogo napravleniya znachitel'no ponizhayet yego prochnost'. Predusmatrivayetsya vozmozhnost' prisoyedineniya odnogo sredstva individual'noy zashchity dlya odnogo cheloveka.
Steel carbines with a threaded sleeve are usually used in industrial mountaineering and during rescue operations. Suitable for use as a carbine for the trigger device, the connecting link, for working with blocks. It is convenient if it is necessary to open it several times during the day, as the carbine is very easy to operate, and the screw coupling guarantees high reliability. The coupling opens by pressing it at the connection point, then it can be locked manually under the weight of the device. The use of steel carabiners is recommended with a closed coupling along the axis, under such conditions the carabiner provides the highest strength. An open clutch and a load along the other direction significantly reduces its strength. It is possible to attach one personal protective equipment for one person.